INS 12th World Congress Cadaver Workshop - 7 June 2015 (Workshop Program )
Cadaver Course registration has now closed.
On site registration will not be available.
The registration fee for the workshop was $800.00 US. Registered participants will receive a travel stipend of up to $500 US, and a hotel accommodation stipend of up to $250 US upon submission of an expense report and receipts after the close of the event.
Cadaver Course Venues McGill University New Residence Hall 3625 Av du Parc Montreal, Quebec H2X 3P9
Arnold and Blema Steinberg Medical Simulation Centre 3575 Av Du Parc, Suite 5640 Montreal, Quebec H2X 3P9 Map
Hotel Information
INS Congress Organizer Vanern Enterprises, Inc.
For hotel reservation-related questions, please contact the INS Congress Registrar.
For inquiries related to the cadaver course, please contact the INS executive office.
Commercial Support The INS and CNS gratefully acknowledge commercial support for this event from the following companies:
Autonomic Technologies
Boston Scientific
Nevro Corporation
Nuvectra Corporation
St. Jude Medical
Dear INS Member,
The International Neuromodulation Society, in partnership with the Canadian Neuromodulation Society, is pleased to offer the inaugural Cadaver Workshop on Sunday, June 7th, 2015 in Montreal, Quebec at McGill University, immediately preceding the INS 12th World Congress.
This program is designed to serve physicians with formal training in pain medicine, neurosurgery, or urology who are interested employing neuromodulation in their practice. It is for those currently in formal training programs (residents and fellows) and for those physicians finished with formal training who have a desire to enhance the neuromodulation offerings in their practice. The course will consist of a four-hour, hands-on cadaver lab, with a 4:1 attendee to faculty ratio, and a four-hour didactic/panel discussion with the world leaders of neuromodulation.
Neurostimulation strategies that will be reviewed include: tonic spinal cord stimulation, burst spinal cord stimulation, high frequency spinal cord stimulation, dorsal root ganglion stimulation, sacral stimulation, multi-lead systems, high density stimulation, sphenopalatine ganglion stimulation and much more.
Core requirements to participate include residents or fellows to be in formal neurosurgery, orthopedic, pain medicine, or urology educational programs. Further, graduates of such programs who have an interest in enhancing the delivery or offerings of neuromodulation in their practices may apply. The applicant must be a current INS member and must possess privileges or have the ability to obtain privileges for implantable therapies in a hospital or similar facility. A selection committee will review the applications, selecting only INS members in good standing, and will notify those selected for the course.
Please note: Due to the Formula One Grand Prix Race taking place in Montreal on June 5-7, 2015, we highly recommend that you book your flights and finalize your accommodation as soon as possible.
We hope to see you in Montreal!
Best wishes,
Michel Prud’Homme MD, PhD
CNS President
William McDonald, MD, FRCPC
CNS Treasurer
Mohammed F. Shamji, MD, PhD, FRCSC
CNS Board Member
Magdy Hassouna MD, PhD, FRCSC, FACS
CNS Secretary
Jason E. Pope, MD, DABPM, FIPP
INS Member and NANS Director-at-Large
Steven Falowksi, MD
INS Member and NANS Director-at-Large
Timothy Deer, MD President-Elect INS, and INS Congress Chair
President INS, and INS Congress Co-Chair
Kaare Meier, MD, PhD / læge, PhD
NNS Chair
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