Statements, Surveys, Meetings and Programs Endorsement Policy 
The International Neuromodulation Society (INS) will provide endorsement to third parties only under conditions that support the mission of the INS and in compliance with this policy.
INS endorsement will be based on a number of factors, not limited to, but including, the following:
- Any organization requesting endorsement from the INS shall agree with the goals and mission of the INS. (1)
- Any meeting endorsed by the INS will comply with ACCME Standards for Commercial Support. (2) This includes assuring that policies and procedures are designed to manage conflicts of interest in industry sponsored continuing medical education (CME).
- The INS will neither offer product specific endorsement, nor accept financial compensation from Industry for a meeting /program endorsement.
- Statements, surveys, practice parameters, guidelines that are offered to the INS for endorsement should involve the INS early within their production and be generic in their content. They should not be used as product specific promotional materials; however it is recognized that the production-sponsoring organization will accredit the work to itself and those involved, and disclose the endorsement of the INS, if endorsement is granted.
- Commercial sponsorship of meetings or educational programs should reflect a balance of industry support and should not be viewed as a promotion for any particular product or service.
- The final meeting agenda shall be available for review prior to providing endorsement for any meeting or program. Any changes in program after endorsement must be communicated immediately to INS and, if such changes breach the endorsement guidelines, then this may result in loss of endorsement status.
- Content of educational programs should be scientific and evidence based and presenters should remain scientific and objective in their conclusions.
- As is possible, generic terms for products, techniques and procedures should be employed. Slides and other presentation materials should not include product logos or promotional content.
- Presenters who have been identified as having “unresolvable” conflicts should be excluded from programs prior to endorsement.
- Industry may present topics, discussions, meetings and promotional materials but these activities must be clearly documented as a distinct portion of the meeting agenda.
- Any endorsement by the INS should be financially beneficial to the International Neuromodulation Society. A nominal administrative fee will be charged to for-profit organizations for endorsement.
- The INS will provide endorsement after the statement, survey or program has been vetted and approved, and the administrative fee (from for-profit organizations only) has been received.
- The INS must approve any promotional material citing the Society’s endorsement prior to publication.
Guidelines for Applications for Endorsement
- Requests for endorsement should be submitted through the INS Executive Office at [email protected]
- Requests should contain sufficient information to enable a proper assessment. The application should describe the manner in which the endorsement would be used.
- The INS Endorsement Committee will review and vet all applications.
- The INS Endorsement Committee may approve or reject the application, or request additional information to enable it to make a decision.
- The INS Endorsement Committee will inform the applicant of the decision within twenty working days of the application.
Policy Ratified on 17 May 2014
INS Endorsement Committee Members
Timothy Deer, MD, FIPP Jamie Henderson, MD Marc Russo, MBBS DA(UK)FANZCA, FFPMFANZCA Simon Thomson, MBBS, FRCA, FIPP, FFPMRCA
1. “Mission, Vision and Goals of the International Neuromodulation Society,” INS website, accessed 1 April 2014,
2. “Standards for Commercial Support: Standards to Ensure Independence in CME Activities,” ACCME Website, accessed 1 April 2014,
