International Neuromodulation Society Innovative Research Grant Program

 Congratulations to the 2024 Innovative Research Grant Recipients!

Mathilde Many
Ingénieure Hospitalier
CHU Poitiers
Poitiers, France

Research Topic:  PREDIBRAIN Project: Identification of Specific Brain Activation Targets during Paresthesia-Based and Paresthesia-free Spinal Cord Stimulation in Persistent Spinal Pain Syndrome Type 2 Patients. An EEG and fMRI Feasibility Project

Maya Panisset, BA, MSPT, PhD
University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia

Research Topic:  Uncovering the Neurophysiological Effects of Cervical Transcutaneous Electrical Spinal Cord Neuromodulation on the Coordination of Sensory-Motor Function Following Acute and Chronic Tetraplegia


Introduction | Eligibility | Funding | How to Apply | Previous Recipients


November 2023

The concept behind the International Neuromodulation Society (INS) Innovative Research Grant Program was introduced by Dr. Simon Thomson, then INS President, in 2013. In recent years, the INS has worked to develop the infrastructure and funding to initiate this important project. We are honored to announce the second round of this critical project. 

The chair upon which this program sits has several legs. It aims to provide: 

  1. Early research experience to junior neuromodulators, whether they be health care providers, clinical researchers, scientists or engineers. 

  2. The opportunity to create initial findings that lead to external funding and the development of a long-term research program. 

  3. Opportunity for INS members to develop the critical skills required to evaluate neuromodulation science and to begin a career that involves high-quality neuromodulation research through the support of a research mentor

  4. Scientists, clinicians and our patients with findings that lead to improvements in safety and efficacy in our field.

To apply for these grants, INS members will submit their most innovative research ideas to a panel of judges for review. Proposals demonstrating the best blend of ingenuity and practicality will be selected, and winners will be announced at the next INS World Congress.

INS Innovative Research Grant Program recipients will receive up to $30,000 in seed money for their innovative pilot studies, which will ultimately help them apply for and obtain extramural funding. None of the funds awarded are to pay for faculty salary, administrative or overhead expenses. This program supports the educational mission of the INS.

Any manuscripts from this grant funding will be submitted to the official journal of the INS, Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface, for consideration.


All INS members are eligible to apply, although applications from fellows and early-career neuromodulators are encouraged. Ideally, at least one of the grants will be reserved to support a beginning scientist within five years of completion of residency or fellowship, by encouraging and adequately funding projects that can contribute to bridging the gap between training and progression to independent investigator status. Other awards will be used as seed grants to help investigators obtain preliminary data to support a new application to external funding agencies.


A maximum of $30,000 will be awarded to each recipient. The number of grant recipients and grant amount will be determined by the INS Innovative Research Grant Program Committee based on funds available and the quality of the applications. Two grants will be awarded.

Innovative Research Grant Programs are funded through a combination of:

  • Generous donations from Industry–Boston Scientific, Corp., and Medtronic, Inc., have provided grants to the INS to initiate this important program.

  • INS funds – The International Neuromodulation Society has contributed to the Innovative Research Grant Program as part of its strategic mission.

  • We plan to seek further donations both from INS members and Industry.

Funding provided by INS Innovative Research Grant Program will support a research project for one to two years, during which pilot studies can be conducted. Investigators must submit reports every six months to track their progress. Not only do these reports give each researcher an edge over their competition when submitting applications for external funding, but they are also shared with INS Innovative Research Grant Program supporters to provide them with tangible evidence that their donations are making a difference.

At the conclusion of the two-year period, a new group of research grant awards are announced, and the cycle of innovation and discovery begins again. Funded researchers will also be awarded funding to attend and present their findings at the biennial INS World Congress.

Please help us extend this opportunity to a greater number of worthy applicants! With a gift of $30,000, you can independently sponsor one Innovative Research Grant Program applicant. Please consider making a donation of any amount to support this worthy cause.

Best wishes,

President, International Neuromodulation Society

Robert M. Levy, MD, PhD
Immediate Past President, International Neuromodulation Society
Editor-in Chief, Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface

Konstantin V. Slavin, MD
President-Elect, International Neuromodulation Society

Jan Vesper, MD, PhD
Secretary, International Neuromodulation Society

Lawrence Poree, MD, MPH, PhD
Treasurer, International Neuromodulation Society

Application Process

Important: All applicants must be current INS members. Join Now

Step One: A Statement of Intent

A Statement of Intent must be submitted in Microsoft Word as a single document and include the following:

1.    Overview of Research Plan (one page total max)
2.    Preliminary Budget (budgets should not include salary support for a faculty, resident, or fellow, administrative fees, nor overhead costs)
3.    Research Mentor
4.    List of Collaborators
5.    Confirmation that the applicant will remain at the same lab/institution listed in this application for at least two years from the award date and through the completion of an awarded research project. (Inability to complete the project in this single institution will require a refund of the grant.)
6.    Pre-proposal Deadline: December 4, 2023
7.    Notification of Candidates for Final Application: January 8, 2024

Apply Now

Step Two: Final Application

1.    Final applications will be invited by the Grant Review Committee.
2.    Final applications must be submitted in Microsoft Word as a single document and include the final abstract, budget, biosketches of key personnel, specific aims, and research plan
3.    Up to one page for Specific Aims
4.    Up to six pages for the research plan to include background, preliminary data and/or rationale, experimental plan (including plans to submit to IRB / IACUC when appropriate), description of roles of scientific team members, timeline for milestones and completion, and a detailed definition of plans to advance work beyond this funding interval
5.    Up to one page for letter of support from research mentor
6.    Strong consideration will be given for the likelihood of follow-up extramural funding resulting from this project
7.    All pages are to be single-spaced in 12 point Times-New Roman font
8.    Appendices will not be considered
9.    Final Submission Deadline for the second round of the grant: March 1, 2024

Step Three: Grant Application and Award Process

1.    All complete submissions will undergo review by the INS Innovative Research Grant Program committee members
2.    Grant recipients will receive travel stipends (in addition to the grants) to attend and receive their awards at the INS World Congress in Vancouver, Canada in May 2024
3.    Committee Decisions for the second round of the grant: April 1, 2024

Questions? Contact the INS Executive Office at ins (@)

 Previous INS Innovative Research Grant Recipients


Umm E. Hani Abdullah, MBBS
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
Purdue University
Research Topic:  Deep brain stimulation in the Syngap1+/- Mouse Model of Autism and Intellectual Disability

Dominic Siler, MD, PhD
House Officer
Department of Neurosurgery
Oregon Health & Science University
Research Topic:  Brown Adipose Tissue Activation by Spinal Cord Stimulation

Last Updated on Thursday, June 06, 2024 09:57 PM