Nordic Neuromodulation Society - Home

OfficersNordic logos

Kliment Gatzinsky MD, PhD, President (Sweden)
Bård Lundeland, Norway, Secretary
Ilkka Saarenpää, Finland, Treasurer
Helga Gulisano, Denmark, Board member
Pedram Tabatabaei, Sweden, Board member


Member forum: (registration required!)

For membership information, please inquire using the online form.

Learn more about the: Joint Congress of the INS European Chapters

Upcoming Events

10th Annual Scientific Meeting

Turku, Finland

September 25-27, 2024


Past Events

4th Annual Scientific Meeting

19-21 October 2017, Oslo, Norway

3rd Annual Scientific Meeting

1-3 Sept. 2016, Uppsala, Sweden

2nd Annual Scientific Meeting

10 June 2015, Montreal, Canada

1st Annual Scientific Meeting

The Nordic Neuromodulation Society held its inaugural annual scientific meeting from Sept. 5-7, 2014, in Helsinki, Finland. Please see the PDF at this link for initial details.