South Eastern Europe Neuromodulation Society - Home
Welcome! For membership inquiries, please contact the INS Executive Office.
SEE INS Chapter Administrative Committee President: Prof Efstathios Boviatsis, Neurosurgeon Vice President: Prof Stefanos Korfias, Neurosurgeon General Secretary: Dr Constantina Romana, Anesthesiologist Treasurer: Prof Stergios Gatzonis, Neurologist Special Secretary: Dr Efstathios Vlachakis, Neurosurgeon Members: Prof Damianos Sakas, Neurosurgeon Dr Stamatios Banos Neurosurgeon
December 2012 presentation to news media and officials - access slides (in Greek) here: News interview parts 1 and 2
Neuromodulation in Europe 2010: Clinical Update in Neuromodulation Joint Meeting of the Spanish, French, German, Italian, and SE European Neuromodulation Societies Date: June 16-18, 2010 Madrid, Spain
Conference Website
Neuromodulation in Europe 2009 Joint Congress of the Italian, French, German, Southeastern Europe and Spanish Neuromodulation Societies in Florence, Italy. Date: June 12-14, 2009
For additional information, please contact: F.I.M.O. srl Via Kyoto 43 50126 Firenze, Italy Tel: 055 6800389 Fax: 055 683355
