Young Neuromodulators Committee Forum
Our INS forum for Young Neuromodulators was initiated in 2017 to encourage community dialogue through posts and discussions.
Directions for Joining the YNM Forum
Please login first. If you have forgotten your login credentials, the login interface has a link to request to have your username emailed to you and to reset your password. After login, the Member Landing Page will open. You can use links there to navigate to the forum.
To receive email alerts of new posts, the forums have "subscribe" buttons. Users may click a subscribe button to receive alerts of new posts to a forum or topic.

To reply to any post, you must first be logged into the web interface.
Please include your location and affiliation in your posts. You can automatically set up those fields:
By following the "Forum Profile" link at the top of the forum window, you will open a short web form. It has spaces to fill out your location and include a signature block. Once those updates are saved, your location will automatically appear next to your posts, and your signature block will be appear at the end of your posts.
Specific YNM Forum Guidelines
The society strives to create opportunities for professional dialogue and community development. All members of the INS may visit the Young Neuromodulators Forum, although discussion is limited to non-industry members. Posts are not pre-screened; moderators from the committee will monitor posts after the fact for adherence to community forum guidelines, summarized below.
New participants are kindly encouraged to please mention both their country and specialty. Also, please keep your profile updated with full name and work location, so fellow participants know who and where you are. Logged-in members may directly visit the forum at: YNM Forum.
Guiding Principles for the Online Community Due to the standards of care placed on medical professionals, please remember that collegial discussions here are informal exchanges, and do not constitute medical advice or professional recommendations. In addition, we ask that posts do not include commercial messaging.
Each member is obligated to protect confidentiality, and advised to not repeat conversations in order to ensure that privacy and confidentiality are maintained.
Although participants may post without having comments pre-screened, moderators reserve the right to delete content deemed inappropriate. A participant will first be privately notified. Access to an INS forum is only open to current INS members. Participation can be blocked by an administrator due to repeat violation of these guidelines despite private warnings. Active participation in discussion on the Young Neuromodulator forum is not open to industry personnel.
1. Be Respectful To ensure a spirit of cooperatively exchanging expertise, inflammatory remarks will not be tolerated. You may openly disagree, but state your case in an atmosphere of mutual respect, in which everyone has a right to a particular view about the topic of conversation. Please keep remarks about the topic at hand, avoid personal attacks. Be the first to correct your own mistakes, as this can restore trust.
2. Maintain a Dignified Tone Derogatory or offensive language or other content that a reasonable person would find objectionable is not allowed.
3. Don't Engage in Marketing Do not use the group to make advertisements, solicitations or promotions. If appropriate, participants are encouraged to disclose potentially pertinent conflicts of interest -- real or perceived -- when making comments.
4. Use Your Own Words The distribution of intellectual property not belonging to you is not permitted. Speak your mind honestly, but use your own words to do so.
5. Abide by All Standards of Reasonable Conduct INS offers this online community to facilitate a collegial exchange of information. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of our society, participants are not assumed to be health professionals. If medical information is provided, identifying your status as a medical professional is required. INS cannot assure the truthfulness, accuracy or reliability of information posted here. INS does not assume any liability for content posted by others.
You must have the legal right to upload or download any content you upload to or download from the site. By posting material, you represent that you have the legal right to share such content with others. By submitting content, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless INS, its officers, employees and directors from and against all liabilities, claims and expenses arising from or relating to your posting of material on this site (including any claim that sharing of such content infringes the privacy, copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights of any third party).
It may be necessary to post updated community guidelines over time, and, for the sake of everyone’s benefit, repeated violations of community guidelines may result in a participant’s access to the group being blocked.
6. Make Yourself at Home Remember, this is your community. Don't be shy to speak up. Feel free to express yourself, ask questions and engage.